Steph Garcia on November 20, 2011 in Promotion Casting
An actor's website

An actor's website should be the go-to place for all information about that performer. Building and maintaining a website is not difficult. The longest part of the process is the initial design and setup. Once the site is up and running, it's becomes a simple matter of updating with every new project you complete.
A performer's website doesn't need fancy effects. The most important thing is that it displays your information efficiently and that it's easy to navigate. Use a color scheme that reflects you but also one that is simple and comfortable to look at it. If you're a larger than life entertainer than more effects and more elaborate color schemes can be considered. Otherwise, clean and straightforward is the best way to go. Take a look at your actor friends' websites and note what you like and don't like to incorporate into your own.
Using a template for your first website attempt can ease the process. Many online resources have templates already in place that are easy to work with. Major webhosting sites like Yahoo! have basic templates that you can personalize. Sites like Mixform have templates specifically for actors and the different pages that you’ll want to display. Macs also have iWeb designing software pre-installed that is also a great tool to use.
Your site will need to include a few specifics:
- Headshots. Having just a commercial and a legit headshot is fine but you can also add in more headshots (character, business, etc.) and production photos.
- An acting resume, properly formatted.
- A reel. An actor can have a comedy reel, legit reel and a voiceover reel but just one reel is fine as well.
- Bio. A bit about yourself, your background, your training.
- Contact. Either your personal contact information, your agency contact or both.
- Blog or update section updated at least monthly.
- Press, reviews and awards you’ve received.
- Links to any pages relevant to projects you worked on.
Make sure to have the URL of your website on the top of your hard copy resume under the contact portion. Submit your website to search sites such as Google and Yahoo. Put the link in your email signature so that it’s always a part of your online communication. And when meeting industry professionals, always direct them to your website.
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