Steph Garcia on November 14, 2011 in Promotion Casting
Know Your Type

Everyone has told you how funny you are so maybe you're a comedienne. They've also told you how sweet you are so maybe you're the girl next door. Knowing how you are perceived when people first meet you is helpful in figuring out what auditions you should submit for.
You'll want to get several opinions. Ask your friends what their first impression was of you. If you’ve known them a long time, first impressions are the best gauge since their opinion over time could change. Usually you will only have a couple minutes in an audition room to show off your personality so first impressions can say a lot.
Also ask industry professionals. Casting directors and agents receive the breakdowns daily and deal with deciding what actors fit with what roles. Their initial impression of you will also be very helpful in figuring out a road to pursue.
Don’t freak out if the professional opinion is different from your friends' opinions. Most times what vibes you give to friends will differ to what you give off to potential employers. Take what they say and try to use it to your advantage. If you thought you were a girl next door and you came off as a determined businesswoman, then rebrand yourself. Maybe you're now a best friend type.
You should have at least one headshot that portrays your "type". Casting directors, when sifting through photos, will be looking for specifics to the character. If your photo is not in line with their thinking and you do not have a relationship with the casting director, you may be looked over or the audition.
Whatever you narrow it down to, don’t feel pigeonholed. A "type" isn’t the only role you can play. It’s just the role that will get you most brought in for. Once you begin building relationships with working professionals, other roles will open to you. People will see you as a working actor and be more willing to give you chances at meatier roles.
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